Saving time & working hours by
Saving operational costs by
over 5 years compared to old HR methods
increase in data security
compared to competing HRM software due to encryption
compatibility with Saudi labor law
high flexibility & customizability to suit the needs of your organization
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One Software, Many Partners of Success
VOLT HRMS has over 400 customers, in over 11 different countries across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region.
Testimonials We Take Pride In
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Differences that Separate Us from Others
Our Services
Comprehensive Solutions for Free-hassle HRM Operations
Numbers that Tell Facts
VOLT HRMS software is available on cloud and on premise, with over 400 clients in 11 countries across the Middle East and North Africa.
Frequently Asked Questions About VOLT HRMS
Yes, VOLT HRMS has been implemented in more than 50 Saudi large companies and it addressed all the laws related to GOSI, vacations, end of service, etc., ….
Yes, VOLT HRMS has successful integration with international financial systems like Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, and SAGE. The system can also integrate with other systems through APIs.
VOLT HRMS can be sold on premise and Cloud, and it is sold per module based on the number of the employees, users, and administrators of the system.
Certainly. VOLT HRMS has 18 modules and each can be ordered separately. However, some modules necessitate others as a requirement but the two must-have core modules are VOLT PAY or VOLT HR which include employee master data.
Hardware Requirements
- Intel® Zeon® CPU E5 2673 v3 2.40 GHz with 8 vCPUs (similar or higher)
- 8 GB RAM (Plus 1 GB for every 100 User) or higher.
- 100 GB HD or higher
Software Requirements
Operating System:
Windows 2012 Data center server or higher
IIS 7 or higher
.NET framework 4.0 -
Database Management System
MS SQL 2012 or higher
Client Requirements
Hardware (minimum requirements):
Intel I5 or higher
50 B HD -
Software Requirements:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
VOLT HRMS is hosted on Microsoft Azure. But we can also use other platforms based on customers’ requests.
VOLT is SAP certified on both SQL and HANA database. It also has the logo (Endorsed by SAP).
a. Powerful authentication: administrator can choose to use VOLT HRMS Authentication or connect to the company LDAP server for this purpose.
b. Granular authorization support: administrator can control access to every form of the system.
c. Users can be given access individually or as members of the group, and the sum of the two accesses will still be active.
VOLT HRMS has a very rich reporting system for all needed employee transactions across all modules and it can be extracted to different files (.txt, .csv, .xls, .pdf, etc., ……). VOLT HRMS also has a dashboard that can show reports in graphic format.
SAP Certified HRM system
Streamline daily HR operations for your employees.
A Localized and Customizable HRM System
VOLT HRMS is designed to be bilingual as it supports the user interface in both Arabic and English.
The system is also easy to customize to suit your company's laws and your business market.