VOLT HRMS: Tailored HR Solutions for Managing Payroll, Recruitment, and Employee Data

VOLT HRMS: All-in-One Human Capital Management Solution Logo


VOLT ATTENDANCE is used to integrate and assist with attendance monitoring.​

General System Features:
  • This is an optional module that can be purchased separately; however, existence of VOLT PAY is a needed for it to work.
  • VOLT ATTENDANCE integrates with VOLT PAY and VOLT ESS if they are available.
  • VOLT ATTENDANCE is a system to manage
    • Integration with electronic Attendance monitoring systems.
    • Supply feedback to the VOLT PAY system for overtime and delay salary calculation.
    • Shift definitions and periods associated with them.
    • Support Fixed and Dynamic shifts.
    • Assigning shifts to employees.
    • Overtime definitions and approval.
    • Define flexible shift hours for companies requiring them.
    • Define public holidays and weekends.
    • VOLT Project Time Sheets: Monitor your Cost
      1. VOLT Project Time Sheets is an extension to VOLT ATTENDANCE that contains extra features for projectized environment to calculate cost and time spent on a project or with a customer.
      General System Features:
      1. This is an optional module that can be purchased separately; however, existence of VOLT ATTENDANCE is a needed for it to work.
      2. VOLT Project Time Sheets is an extension to VOLT ATTENDANCE that is used for
        • Contains extra features for projectized environment to calculate cost and time spent on a project or with a customer.
        • Defining projects employee spend time in and customer’s employee deals with
        • Allow employees to submit time sheets detailing how they spent their time.
      3. Produce reports about time and cost spent on a specific project or with a specific customer.
Empowering Human Capital
Empowering Success